Constant text conflicts - newb needs some help
Donn Ingle
donn.ingle at
Tue Jul 22 07:06:25 BST 2008
I hope this is the right place to ask. I tried a bit of bzr last night and
I'm totally confused. I have never used a vcs before, so this is probably
I followed (more or less) the tutorial at:
Here's what I encountered:
[In directory 'b' (a branch of parent)]
b:$ cat foobar
Makeeng a longer file
weeth more complicated changes
and spellung errors
b:$ bzr commit -m "b caught up with parent"
Committing to: /home/donn/Projects/learning.bazaar/b/
modified foobar
Committed revision 3.
[At this point I have a fresh new foobar]
b:$ sed -i 's/Makeeng/Making/g' foobar
b:$ bzr commit -m "Fixed Makeeng to Making in b branch"
Committing to: /home/donn/Projects/learning.bazaar/b/
modified foobar
Committed revision 4.
b:$ cd ..
learning.bazaar:$ cat foobar
Makeeng a longer file
weeth more complicated changes
and spellung errors
[Okay, parent is still the old file]
learning.bazaar:$ sed -i 's/weeth/with/g' foobar
learning.bazaar:$ bzr commit -m "Fixed weeth to with in parent"
Committing to: /home/donn/Projects/learning.bazaar/
modified foobar
Committed revision 3.
[Right, now parent and b differ in two places - as per the tut]
[Here's the error I keep getting, no matter what I try:]
learning.bazaar:$ bzr merge b/
M foobar
Text conflict in foobar
1 conflicts encountered.
learning.bazaar:$ ls
b foobar foobar.BASE foobar.OTHER foobar.THIS
learning.bazaar:$ cat foobar
<<<<<<< TREE
Makeeng a longer file
with more complicated changes
Making a longer file
weeth more complicated changes
and spellung errors
I tried this all again with a fresh repository (is that the word? I made a
new folder and started again.) just in case, but it always ends like that.
It seems (to me) that things are so fragile I don't dare make any changes,
which defeats the whole purpose. Please gimme a hand.
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