[MERGE] Content filtering (EOL part 2 of 3)
Martin Pool
mbp at canonical.com
Mon Jul 21 01:14:36 BST 2008
On 7/20/08, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> FWIW I'm currently prepping a full set of repository format bumps, and
> we're requiring one for stacking, and will have a default bump change in
> the near future too. So trying to avoid a bump for a specific feature
> when there are a tonne in the pipeline seems redundant to me.
OK, o maybe we should do format bumps, and work on making them less traumatic.
The message for being unable to pull from a rich-root repository is
very unobvious, because the format repr doesn't mention the problem.
More generally it would be nice to get rid of the double rich-root vs
not formats. (I know Aaron has probably explained a path.)
Some formats don't have names; it's hard to understand from the output
of info what you have. And if you do need a new forrmat maybe we
could suggest it.
Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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