b+tree index update

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jul 16 14:46:47 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
| I've merged john's index tweaks; this brings a dependency on a newer
| pybloom from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jameinel/+junk/bzr-pybloom.
| I've also implemented disk-spilling during writing. Basically it writes
| out to disk every 100000 nodes, and does a merge sort with exponential
| backoff between the in memory nodes and previously written disk nodes.
| Currently, it uses blooms for this spilled-to-disk data, but I think
| this is counter productive and instead they should be turned off, this
| will come later.
| The key message though, is that no matter how big your tree, the index
| layer will cap at whatever is needed to hold 100000 node-values (about
| 250MB I think). We could push this up or down based on some experience.
| The most important thing about this is scaling, of course.
| I've also implemented (crudely) the missing iter_entries_prefix, so it
| is now ready to be a full drop-in for GraphIndex.
| -Rob

So... unfortunately some of your changes break on Windows.

Specifically, you are using NamedTemporaryFile at one point during
build, and then later on you use "transport.get(self._name)".

Unfortunately, on windows, you can't actually ever re-open a
NamedTemporaryFile even on the same process. And since a
NamedTemporaryFile is automatically deleted when it is closed, I don't
know the specific purpose of NamedTemporaryFile, at least on win32.

This seems to be primarily with the FixedMemoryGraphIndex that you
worked on.

The quick fix is to use a regular tempfile.mktemp() and then just delete
it ourselves when we do f.close().


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