bzr bug 30159 (paths are always from root)

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Jul 16 09:10:56 BST 2008

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 1:07 PM, John O'Brien <webm0nk3y at> wrote:
> Several months ago I had started working on this bug, but had to put it on
> hold as demands of other projects.
> Now I am ready to begin working on this again and wanted to make sure it
> still needs to be worked and the requirements hadn't changed.
> Also, I thought someone may have some other input that may not be in the
> comments.

Welcome back John.

Yes, it still needs to be worked on and I don't think any requirements
have changed, but it would be worth making sure people agree with the
way you're going to approach it.

I think by default, we should show changes across the whole tree, but
relative to your cwd.  So if I'm in bzrlib I might get


then if I want to see changes on only the subtree I should ask for
that.  This is consistent with bzr versioning the whole tree
atomically and commit working across the whole tree by default.  At
any rate I think making this change is useful orthogonal to possibly
working only from the cwd down.

> Thank you,
> John O'Brien
> PS. On August 4th I will be joining the Canonical Online Services team.


Martin <>

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