[MERGE][PQM][Bug #246846] Attribute work using the 'author' attribute

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jul 15 17:07:09 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Daniel Watkins wrote:
> Attached is a patch which uses the name and email address of the sender
> of the merge request in the 'author' attribute of the merge commit.
> This should obviate the need to put the submitter's name in brackets at
> the start of the commit message.

Just to mention the discussion about this.

The small problem is who to assign the commit when *I* submit *your* patch. It
is arguable that we want to add a new revision property "submitter" which
works like author.

But that the *author* of the commit should be attributed to whoever wrote the
original branch, and the *submitter* would be whoever sent this to PQM.

I think you can argue for whether the Author of a particular merge commit is
actually the submitter. But I believe the goal is to have "bzr log --short"
show the names of the people who worked on the change, not the person who
merged the change.

I don't believe we have any way of transmitting a '--author' to the PQM at
this time.

We can debate this, as it adds quite a bit of complexity to stuff like
'pqm-submit' and pqm's processing. But it is probably the correct solution.

So for now:



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