Merged! Re: [MERGE] StackableBranch

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Jul 15 05:30:19 BST 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Bundle Buggy wrote:
>> This change has been merged.
>> Previous status: Resubmit
> Please don't merge changes that have a "resubmit" status.  I have
> concerns about this change that I explained when I marked it "resubmit".
> Specifically, I don't think that stacking should happen merely because
> the source is stacked.  I think that is surprising, and can lead to
> broken repos.
> I marked this "resubmit" over 3 weeks ago, so there's been plenty of
> time to respond to my concerns.

I agree that it shouldn't happen automatically.  I didn't specifically
merge this one; rather it had already been merged into Robert's loom
which I landed.  So several of them came out of BB at once.  It's
still my responsibility but it's not as simple as just ignoring the
review of that one branch.

Martin <>

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