[MERGE] make init-repo use '.' as default location

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Sun Jul 13 06:51:08 BST 2008

2008/7/12 Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net>:

> On Sat, 2008-07-12 at 08:50 +0200, Marius Kruger wrote:
> > I think this will be good (to be consistent with init).
> > And its not much of a disaster  if  your  new branches are configured
> > to use a shared repository, since we now have the `reconfigure`
> > command which will make recovery very easy. (I see the reconfigure
> > help needs some love, as it took me a while to figure out how to use
> > it )
> init-repo can affect existing branches:
> bzr init-repo foo
> mkdir foo/bar
> bzr branch SOMETHING foo/bar/baz
> bzr init-repo foo/bar
> bzr check foo/bar/baz

Ok, so it can still be disastrous, if you accidentally make a repository
within a repository,
where there is existing branches in the new repository's jurisdiction.

Since this is possible at the moment and it can big problems especially if
it goes
undetected. I think we should at least give a warning if you create a
repository within a repository, or even better detect if we are screwing up
branches (but that could be very difficult/slow). Do you agree?

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