
Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Sat Jul 12 21:51:50 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1


I'm trying to setup PQM for a personal project. When I run it I get a
problem that it can't import config-manager. Why does PQM need
config-manager in order to run?

So I installed config manager. But now I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
~  File "./bin/pqm", line 46, in <module>
~    import pqm
~  File "/home/nick/source/pqm/pqm/", line 22, in <module>
~    import config_manager
~  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/config_manager/",
line 32, in <module>
~    import config_manager.implementations.arch_vcs
~  File
line 23, in <module>
~    import pybaz
ImportError: No module named pybaz

Why do I need pybaz? I assume this is for the old bazaar (before
bazaar-ng later renamed to bzr) and I don't need this at all. Shouldn't
it work without this? Only if my PQM config file needs it then it should
try to load it.

There is basically no user documentation on config-manager or PQM. I
guess Bazaar is the only project that uses these as I have spent a long
while trying to get this to work but to no avail. I complained about
this months ago but the documentation status hasn't appeared to change
at all since then.

Can someone who knows about these programs update the wiki with
installation, setup and running instructions? I think it would be
beneficial not just to me but to many other users of bzr too.

Since this is one of the workflows promoted by bzr, it would be nice if
it were actually possible for the average user to setup a gatekeeper
style workflow using these programs.


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