[MERGE] Fix ability to use IIS as a dumb HTTP server. (fixes #247585)

Adrian Wilkins adrian.wilkins at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 00:34:14 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

(resubmitted because I forgot to put in the good NEWS)

As per the bug listing ;

IIS is not favoured amongst the OSS community, but there are plenty of existing
installs in many settings. It is currently impossible to use it as a dumb HTTP
server for Bazaar because of a combination of errors in both the Python library
and IIS.

This patch allows the use of IIS as a dumb server by passing all boundary lines
as they are parsed through the rfc822.unquote() function. Should this library
function ever get fixed, it should still work.

The first revision fixes the existing multipart range test to behave more like
the real code does (response header parameters are rfc822 unquoted when returned
from a real HTTP server). It also adds a test class which demonstrates the
response behaviour of IIS 6 and 7. This fails when tested.

The second revision fixes the bug as discussed, removing the 15 test failures
added by the first revision.

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