Some timings using bzr

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Jul 11 11:50:23 BST 2008

David Ingamells wrote:

> I also respect the work of the bazaar team: this was in part why I chose
> bzr as our tool when I evaluated the alternatives in January this year.
> I did not intend my original message to imply any criticism. I did the
> tests to try to understand why my team is having horrendous performance
> problems which I have proven with my tests are to a large extent caused
> by non-bzr issues. My intention was to share this experience with the
> bzr community at large and possibly help the bzr team a tiny little bit
> in their efforts to make bzr even better.

Thanks for taking the time to investigate and to report the results.
Be assured that we're continuing to work on performance both directly
and indirectly, e.g. by adding features like stacked branches.

> From what I have seem of the recent discussions on the forum I expect
> that version 1.6 will show better results.

I would hope so too. In particular, Aaron Bentley and I did some work in
1.6beta2 to speed up local branching on large repos that may help. Once
1.6 ships, I'd be interested in seeing any follow-up benchmarks you do.

Ian C.

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