copy to get this too you, regular one will follow when I get real net again :)

Robert Collins robert.collins at
Fri Jul 11 10:37:41 BST 2008

On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 19:08 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> OK, here's an overall patch that makes all tests pass in the top of
> the stacking branch!
>  * KnitVersionedFiles.check should just check keys in its own file,
> then recurse into fallback kvfs.
>  * The specialized get_parent_map and has_revisions in
> KnitPackRepository don't hook correctly into stacking, and are
> disabled.

Pls delete; we have a VCS :)

> This potentially causes a problem because I think now the base class
> version will be active, and that does not use the kvf index but rather
> reads each revision one by one, which may be slow.  I have verified
> that method is on the instance but haven't profiled it.  It should be
> fairly straightforward to fix.

Yes; thats an oversight for sure - we want to just return
keys = [(revid,) for revid in revision_ids]
return self.revisions.get_parent_map(keys)

(Modulo returning NULL_REVISION if johns goal of pushing that deeper
hasn't been done yet, and handling None).

Do you want this merged? Seems intrusive...(e.g. may hang PQM :))
+            import pdb; pdb.post_mortem(err[2])

I would rather we keep this test but invert the sense: it should work
rather than failing :).

-    def test_error_mismatched_format(self):
-        # this first implementation uses the internal pack list from
-        # repository and thus needs the same format in both sides.
-        base = self.make_repository('base', format='pack-0.92')
-        repo = self.make_repository('repo', format=self.get_format())
-        self.assertRaises(errors.IncompatibleRepositories,
-            repo.add_fallback_repository, base)


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