Some timings using bzr
David Ingamells
david.ingamells at
Fri Jul 11 09:43:29 BST 2008
Matt Nordhoff wrote:
> David Ingamells wrote:
> <huge snip>
>> Further I
>> do not know if the dirstate-tags repository format is a good choice. It
>> was the default when the repos was made in January this year. I find the
>> information in the manuals very uninformative regarding the benefits of
>> the various formats that are listed in (e.g.) the reference for the
>> upgrade command.
> dirstate-tags is not a good choice. pack-0.92 is the current default
format and is much better.
> ...
> pack-0.92 is generally much, much better, though that might be
different with NFS.
thanks for your answer.
The repository in question is a shared repos with a number of branches
in it. It was made when bzr 0.98 (I think it was) was the latest
released version. I used the default setting for bzr init-repo then.
Now, as you say, bzr 1.5 has pack-0.92 as the default. Are there any
issues I should be aware of in doing a bzr upgrade?
What is the best way to update the repos? Can I update one branch and
leave the remainder alone? Must I do the upgrade at the shared repos level?
My I request that maybe someone who knows what they are talking about
(certainly not me!) can add/improve the relevant sections in the user
reference manual e.g. the "Storage Formats" section (aka "bzr help
formats"). For example dirstate-tags' description says "new" and
"improved" - which maybe it was when the comment was written, but now
with several newer and further-improved formats available that
description is just confusing.
> As its name suggests, it requires bzr 0.92,
> while dirstate-tags only requires 0.15. But those are both quite old,
> and you should always use the latest version anyway, which you are, so
> it's moot.
It says a lot about the pace of development in the bazaar project that
you use the term "quite old" to refer to something that was the default
only 6 months ago! You say pack-0.92 is also quite old - is there a
newer and even better format that is likely to become the default in the
near future - e.g. in 1.6?
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