limit read-access in bzr

Russ Brown pickscrape at
Fri Jul 11 04:10:59 BST 2008

Ben Finney wrote:
> Louis <louis.inbox at> writes:
>> For example, I have a few subdirectories in the repository that I
>> want to limit read-access (not just commit-access) to some
>> developers. The developers still have read & commit access to all
>> other directories.
> Bazaar implements no access restrictions. That's a feature: it's left
> entirely to the transport and storage mechanisms to implement.
>> The other option is to split the repository into multple
>> repositories, but that becomes a management nightmare, and you lose
>> the ability to 'snapshot' the entire source tree easily.
> This is what ConfigManager <URL:>
> is intended for. It "provides the Bazaar with the ability to build a
> tree out of one or more branches", according to its description.

Thanks for pointing me at this: it looks interesting.

Is it still being maintained though? The branch I've been pointed at
hasn't be updated since 2006:

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