[MERGE] Small tweaks to cleanup imports

Colin D Bennett colin at gibibit.com
Thu Jul 10 21:16:42 BST 2008

On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 15:04:18 -0500
John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> This is just a couple of tweaks to some imports, to move more things
> into being lazily loaded.
> I noticed because the time for "bzr nick" was surprisingly long. On
> the plus side, while this is noticeable for the installed bzr (1.5),
> it is a *lot* better for 1.6b3. (About 500+ms => 130ms).
> Overall, this doesn't make things a huge amount better, but I did the
> work, so we might as well merge it.
> Ok... weird. I just removed all of bzr and reinstalled (for other
> reasons). It was running really slow until I ran "sudo bzr nick".
> After that, the global installed version seems to be a lot faster.
> Uninstalling and re-installing doesn't seem to trigger the bug.
> I wonder if somehow my system decided that the .pyc files were out of
> date, and it was re-compiling each run. Until I ran 'sudo bzr'. But
> then why wouldn't uninstalling and re-installing trigger this?

I don't know what package manager you're using, but if running 'bzr'
automatically generated the .pyc files (which were NOT installed as
part of the package), then uninstalling the bzr package will probably
not delete the .pyc files.

Just a theory.


> John
> =:->
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