ideas for C optimization wanted

Guillermo Gonzalez guillo.gonzo at
Wed Jul 9 21:37:00 BST 2008

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:26 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Michael Hudson wrote:
> | Martin Pool wrote:
> |> Tim said to me he was interested in doing some C or Pyrex code to
> |> speed up Bazaar, and asked for suggestions on where to begin.
> |
> | I had a very quick play at writing a super-fast starting C command line
> | client that would talk to some server process to do the actual work as a
> | way of mitigating the slow Python start up effect.  But the results of
> | half an hour of whacking at this didn't show anything amazing and it
> | reminded me that socket programming in C is horrible so I'm not sure I'm
> | going to go anywhere with this.
> |
> | Cheers,
> | mwh
> |
> |
> |
> bzr branch lp:bzr-service
> I prepared one in advance. :)

    I have been working on the xmlrpc service as part of the
bzr-xmloutput plugin.

bzr branch lp:bzr-xmloutput

In the branch there is a very simple that acts like bzr
executable as an usage example of the xmlrpc service.

It actually can be used just like bzr-service, but with the advantage
of handling stderr and the drawback of not haaving a C client.

It have some limitations regarding UI, like don't handling stdin
properly, i.e: if user input is required.



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