[MERGE/RFC][PQM] Switching the web UI to use a Mako template

Daniel Watkins daniel at daniel-watkins.co.uk
Wed Jul 9 17:57:51 BST 2008

Attached is a patch which converts pqm.ui.twistd to use a Mako template
(at pqm/ui/template.html).  I believe this to have the following
  * it is clearer what HTML will be produced
  * it decouples the presentation of the content from it's production,
    meaning either can be modified more easily
  * it will make creating an RSS feed of the same information easier,
    with much less code duplication

I chose Mako because it is closest to Django templates, the templating
language with which I am familiar.  It is supported by both Pylons (as
the default) and TurboGears, so isn't going anywhere.  It is packaged
in Debian Etch and in Ubuntu Gutsy onwards.

It's currently an RFC because the tests have not been updated to
reflect the switch from the old method, and because a solution to
finding the template needs to be found.

Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
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