[MERGE] Allow reference_revision to be None in the xml7 serializer.

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Tue Jul 8 13:33:29 BST 2008

Am Dienstag, den 08.07.2008, 07:25 -0400 schrieb Aaron Bentley:
> Aaron Bentley has voted reject.
> Status is now: Vetoed
> Comment:
> I don't think it ever makes sense for the reference revision to be None, 
> even for working trees.
Does this mean a a TreeReference always has to refer to a particular
revision in the inner branch? Or should a wildcard be indicated some
other way? 


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org> - http://samba.org/~jelmer/
Jabber: jelmer at jabber.fsfe.org

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