[PQM/MERGE] Miscellaneous further cleanup

Daniel Mark Watkins D.M.Watkins at warwick.ac.uk
Fri Jul 4 03:08:36 BST 2008

On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 02:50:57 +0100
Daniel Mark Watkins <D.M.Watkins at warwick.ac.uk> wrote:

> This patch is a little messier than the last few have been, as I just
> started fixing things as I saw them.  It does the following things:
>   * Moves merge-related stuff from Command to MergeCommand
>   * Removes the merge_method parameter to (what is now)
>     MergeCommand.do_merge as there is now only a single merge method
>     used
>   * Renames Bazaar2Handler to BzrHandler
>   * Removes VCSHandler
>   * Removes a debug statement from a test
>   * Removes references to config files which are no longer relevant
Now with extra added patch.
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