New toy for bzr developers: B+Tree index sketch

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Jul 2 06:27:03 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
| Robert Collins wrote:
|> I have been tinkering with a B+Tree approach to the disk indices. I
|> prefer this over a hash based index because of the ability to do
|> in-order traversal when desired.
|> In short, I think we can save substantial size with the currently
|> developed B+Tree and it allows addressing some of the memory problems
|> Andrew has spent some time debugging.
|> The attached script (run from the root of any pack style repository you
|> want to analyze) gets the following result for
|> Original aggregate index size:  10140380
|> B+Tree aggregate index size:    5644360
|> Difference:                     4496020
| Here are the result for (305K revisions) and Mozilla (12.5k
| revisions):
| ian at humpback:~/scm-conversions/OOo/OOo.bzr$ python ../../
| 27.022841 4b48589090022a0d3167b2b8ba23bf99.rix 137.1 305550 2228 64763
0.0 -12101512
| 0.004205 4b48589090022a0d3167b2b8ba23bf99.six   N/A 0 0 0 0.0 12
| 32.642130 4b48589090022a0d3167b2b8ba23bf99.iix 120.5 305550 2536 76870
0.0 -14081279
| 78.217462 4b48589090022a0d3167b2b8ba23bf99.tix 132.6 538404 4060
115027 0.0 -55270315
| Original aggregate index size:  117596270
| B+Tree aggregate index size:    36143176
| Difference:                     81453094
| ian at humpback:~/scm-conversions/OOo/OOo.bzr$ cd ../../mozilla/mozilla.bzr
| ian at humpback:~/scm-conversions/mozilla/mozilla.bzr$ python
| 0.939508 0b9f34ffabd7722d88aafde4ac487cf3.rix 92.3 12456 135 5187 0.0
- -355543
| 0.000504 0b9f34ffabd7722d88aafde4ac487cf3.six   N/A 0 0 0 0.0 12
| 1.047417 0b9f34ffabd7722d88aafde4ac487cf3.iix 84.7 12456 147 8072 0.0
- -432741
| 2.954725 0b9f34ffabd7722d88aafde4ac487cf3.tix 292.5 34813 119 4456 0.0
- -3861195
| Original aggregate index size:  6292035
| B+Tree aggregate index size:    1642568
| Difference:                     4649467
| So the improvements are nice. However to put the OOo one in context,
the indexes
| are already small compared to the size of the pack. Trimming 81M off
3.8G is
| heading in the right direction though!
| Ian C.

I think fundamentally the indexes should always be a small portion of
the total data. (For you are talking 90MB vs 3-10MB). However,
they are a *critical* portion, as it is where you start from.

The data sizes are nice to see, I would also be very interested in the
performance numbers. Like, time to 'bzr log', etc.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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