PQM Work This Summer
Wichmann, Mats D
mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Tue Jul 1 14:39:13 BST 2008
> Alternatively you can do merge --pull yourself after pqm succeeds...
well, of course this is what we do, it just causes problems
for my feeble brain... my workflow being (to minimize going
on the net as much a possible), a mirror branch and a working
branch; so I collect some work, generage a merge direcive
against the mirror, submit to pqm, and go on. Now I'll
forget to pull on either the work branch or the mirror
branch and get myself into trouble next time (these branches
have divereged).
This situation depends, I guess on how many committers and
how much activity there is going through PQM, my concern
gets silly if very busy, you are going to have to merge
a bunch anyway.
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