[MERGE] (fixes 239523) bzr tag and other builtins respect --quiet

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Mon Jun 30 03:42:22 BST 2008

Neil Martinsen-Burrell wrote:

> Just poor thinking.  Nice catch.  Fixed in attached.

Thanks for working on this - it's almost there. The main
problem is that quite a few (at least 8) existing tests break
after applying these changes. Try this to see what I mean:

  ./bzr selftest --no-plugins push pull

To be safe, I'd recommend running the whole test suite to
see the total impact - the 8 tests broken above are the
'obvious' ones but there may well be more.

There are also some minor tweaks needed to branch.py in
your changes ...

> +    def report(self, to_file, note_callable=None):
> +        """Write information about the pull.
> +
> +        By default, when note_callable is None, write to to_file,
> +        otherwise call note_callable with an information string.
> +        """
> +        if note_callable is None:
> +            note_callable=to_file.write
> +        if self.old_revid == self.new_revid:
> +            note_callable('No new revisions to push.\n')
> +        else:
> +            note_callable('Pushed up to revision %d.\n' % self.new_revno)

This code is in PullResult so you need to tweak the output to say
'pul'' and not 'push'. :-)

> +    def report(self, to_file, note_callable=None):
> +        """Write information about the pull.
> +
> +        By default, when note_callable is None, write to to_file,
> +        otherwise call note_callable with an information string.
> +        """
> +        if note_callable is None:
> +            note_callable=to_file.write

This code is in PushResult so you need to tweak the docstring accordingly.

The rest looks good.

Ian C.

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