Evaluating Bazaar in a CVS environment.

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Sun Jun 29 19:11:04 BST 2008

John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> 260KB per branch? That sounds pretty big, using du with and without
> apparent, I see a few branches as somewhere between 5-13KB each. You
> might be using Branch5 branches, which stored the full
> 'revision-history'. New ones just store the tip, and are even better at
> storage efficiency.

My bad, that was for a tree-ful branch.  For a new treeless branch in a 
shared repository with no additional revisions, I get 20KB::

nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ bzr init-repo --no-trees bzr
nmb at guttle[/tmp]$ cd bzr
nmb at guttle[/tmp/bzr]$ bzr branch ~/src/bzr/bzr.dev
Branched 3513 revision(s). 

nmb at guttle[/tmp/bzr]$ bzr branch bzr.dev bug-1234
Branched 3513 revision(s).
nmb at guttle[/tmp/bzr]$ bzr co bug-1234 work
nmb at guttle[/tmp/bzr]$ du -k bug-1234
0	bug-1234/.bzr/branch/lock
12	bug-1234/.bzr/branch
0	bug-1234/.bzr/branch-lock
20	bug-1234/.bzr
20	bug-1234

That's 50 branches per megabyte.  Seems like plenty of density to me. ;)


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