ssh woes on windows

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Sun Jun 29 03:04:13 BST 2008

> Yes. ssh.exe will notice that I have a key set up in ~/.ssh/config and
> it will prompt me on the terminal to enter the password for it.

Right.  My key is at $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa, so its possible ssh.exe would do the same for me (although I can't seem to convince to work at the moment).

Either way, something is certainly strange at my end - from all accounts, plink should be able to use my ssh2 key to establish a connection to launchpad, but that is not happening for me.  Why I can successfully upload to launchpad escapes me though, but that’s ok for now.

> I suppose forcing it to paramiko and manually loading my key would be
> an option.

I'm still unclear how paramiko works with your keys: if you were using paramiko instead of ssh.exe, how do you ask paramiko to load them, and how do you enter the passphrase?  (I'm assuming paramiko can't use ssh-agent, otherwise there doesn't seem a good reason to prefer ssh.exe, unless paramiko also fails to prompt for the passphrase when ssh-agent isn't running?)

> I don't really know a way to get pageant to know that there is
> a
> key out there that it *should* be using, and prompting the user for the
> passphrase. I've only seen the manual "add this key" for pageant. Which
> paramiko (and supposedly putty) can then try to use when connecting.

Pageant will prompt for the passphrase as it loads the key.

To clarify, what are your current thoughts on how we should determine the ssh vendor to use?



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