Rule-based preferences - format marker RFC, etc.

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Jun 25 13:08:48 BST 2008

Martin Pool wrote:
> I spoke with Ian a bit about that this morning.
> We plan to put a namespace in the section headers something like
>  [name *.py]
> ('name' vs 'glob' vs 'pattern' etc Ian is going to ponder)

Pondering complete. :-)

> I don't think this needs special handling by file id.  In general we
> need to do many lookups by filename and we should try to make that
> fast.  Let's land this.

Latest version attached. It provides:

* a namespace - I've gone with 'for' for readability reasons
* an error if an unknown namespace is detected
* a 'patterns' topic as requested by John's review
* that topic is now referenced from the help for ignore

John also suggested refactoring the tests to use a string for
the test text instead of lines. I can do that once there's agreement
on the prefix. (Right now, I've kept the old approach in the
tests and I'm patching in the namespace so it's easy to tweak it.)

John raised one other issue I'm yet to reply to. I'll do that
in a separate email.

Ian C.
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