Push location hiding

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Mon Jun 23 21:54:07 BST 2008

>>>>> But our policy is about all config data, not just push locations.  So it
>>>>> includes the data that you would read when accessing a branch whose
>>>>> branch.conf you don't control.
>>>> Indeed, and for that reason I think it's just wrong for branch.conf to
>>>> ever not be under the user's control.
>>> branch.conf part of the branch, so if the branch is readonly, then
>>> branch.conf will not be under the user's control.
>> I still just have no idea what circumstance you're thinking about.
> Public read-only branches such as http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/

Under what circumstance is the branch.conf at that location used?
AFAIK that branch is either used from another (local) branch, or it's
cloned, in which case the branch.conf doesn't seem to play any role.


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