more debian (and other) packaging of plugins?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Fri Jun 20 02:45:21 BST 2008

Quick update on the status of plugins in Debian/Ubuntu.

We already had the following packaged:

 * bzrtools
 * bzr-svn
 * bzr-gtk
 * bzr-rebase
 * bzr-pqm
 * bzr-email
 * bzr-dbus
 * bzr-builddeb
 * bzr-cia (cia-clients)
 * trac-bzr

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 03:21:47PM +0200, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> I have packaged the following plugins earlier but not uploaded them yet
> (they're already on

>  * bzr-hg
>  * bzr-git
>  * bzr-stats
I'm waiting with packaging these until they're more mature.

> What other plugins would qualify for packaging? Some that I personally
> think would like to see Debianized are:

>  * bzr-loom
This one is now packaged and in Debian Sid. Once I get back to my main
machine, I'll also file a sync request for Ubuntu.

>  * bzr-upload
Packaged and ITP filed but not uploaded yet.

I've also briefly looked into packaging gedit-bzr, but it looks like
that needs to have its fixed before it can be packaged (it
assumes installation in the users home directory atm).

Anything else people think would be useful to have packaged?



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