Push location hiding

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jun 18 17:30:00 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
| Aaron Bentley wrote:
| | John Arbash Meinel wrote:
| |> Everything thinks it is okay. However the push location is saved to
| |> .bzr/branch/branch.conf. And 'locations.conf' overrides branch.conf,
| |> even though one is achieved recursively, and the other is
explicitly for
| |> that branch.
| |
| | The rationale for making locations.conf trump branch.conf was because
| | locations.conf is unambiguously under the user's control and can be
| | changed without affecting others.
| |
| | The rationale for making recursive locations.conf rules trump
| | branch.conf values was avoiding extra complexity in the user model.
| |
| |> I don't have any way to force the remember, other than manually hacking
| |> locations.conf for that branch.
| |
| |> Is there something better that we could be doing?
| |
| | We could set it in BOTH branch.conf and locations.conf, I suppose...
| |
| |> Some way that we could
| |> get --remember to actually --remember? (Certainly we should probably at
| |> least be warning if we don't)
| |
| | We are doing set_user_option(.., warn_masked=True).  That ought to
| | produce a warning.
| |
| | Aaron
| It does warn, it is just that I get:
| $ bzr push --remember lp:~jameinel/+junk/bzr-per-file-remerge
| Enter passphrase for key '/home/jameinel/.ssh/id_rsa':
| Server does not understand Bazaar network protocol 3, reconnecting.
| (Upgrade the server to avoid this.)
| Enter passphrase for key '/home/jameinel/.ssh/id_rsa':
| Value

| is masked
| by "bzr+ssh://juju/srv/bzr/public/branches/bzr/plugins/per_file_remerge"
| from locations.conf
| Pushed up to revision 7.
| With all the stipple, I didn't notice the warning.
| John
| =:->

So in these cases, I'm working in a plugin, which generally will have a
different push location anyway. So I thought I could add this:

push_location =
push_location:policy = norecurse

However it seems that setting 'norecurse' allows the containing entry's
":policy = appendpath" to recurse underneath. I know that works because
if I get rid of the :policy for 'plugins' I get the same warning, but it
warns about a push_location = "" rather than the full path.

So is there no way to disable a recursion further down? (Recurse for
everything but these directories, etc.)


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