[MERGE] Add Remote-v2 variant to branch/repository/bzrdir implementations tests.

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jun 18 16:59:34 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
| Andrew Bennetts wrote:
|> This patch adds another scenario to the parameterised tests that
already take
|> Remote* objects to test HPSS protocol v2 (and <= 1.2 HPSS verbs).  This
|> exercises both the v2 client and server code, and also any fallback
logic in the
|> Remote* client objects for coping with 1.2 servers (and thus
exercising verbs
|> that might only get used by those clients).
| I appreciate that you provide a correct source_branch, but if you're
| going to generate a bundle with no revisions, please use --no-bundle
| instead.
| Aaron

Just to mention, this is because you made your target branch
"push-improvement-loom" instead of bzr.dev.

The correct way to do this sort of thing in looms is:

bzr send -r thread:..-1 ../bzr.dev

(provided you have a local copy of bzr.dev at that location, with the
correct "public_location" set.)

That will create a bundle with revisions versus bzr.dev, but with the
diff showing only the changes versus 'thread:'.

This should probably be added to the loom documentation.

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