Resolving diverged branches in Subversion repository
Jelmer Vernooij
jelmer at
Wed Jun 18 14:11:04 BST 2008
Am Mittwoch, den 18.06.2008, 07:17 +0100 schrieb Russel Winder:
> On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 21:50 +0200, Christophe TROESTLER wrote:
> > On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 18:37:41 +0100, Russel Winder wrote:
> > >
> > > If Subversion is being used as a repository of Bazaar branches then the
> > > current bzr-svn behaviour is necessary (SVK does the same).
> >
> > I hope we can keep this -- because this is how I usually use SVN
> > repositories.
> I am sure Jelmer will agree since that is how he designed the bzr-svn
> plugin to work, and I have no problem with that since it serves a need,
> yours and his at the very least :-)
> It is however only one of two use cases:
> 1. Subversion repository stores a Bazaar branch.
> 2. Bazaar as intelligent Subversion client.
I would argue that these two points describe the same thing.
IMHO git-svn doesn't work like a Subversion client, I would argue that
git with git-svn is a tool to interoperate with Subversion from git
(which is a different thing).
Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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