[MERGE] StackableBranch

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jun 12 21:27:49 BST 2008

John Arbash Meinel has voted tweak.
Status is now: Conditionally approved
+    def get_stacked_on(self):
+        raise errors.UnstackableBranchFormat(self._format, self.base)

^- I would say that this should be:

get_stacked_on_url() to make it clear that you aren't getting a Branch 
object here.

In other places we did plain "get_parent", or get_bound_location versus 
get_master_branch. We could do "get_stacked_on_location()" to be more 
consistent, but that is getting rather long.

-            revision_ids = self.source.all_revision_ids()
+            source_revision_ids = 
+            revision_ids = source_revision_ids - \
              revision_keys = [(revid,) for revid in revision_ids]
              index = 
              present_revision_ids = set(item[1][0] for item in
@@ -2779,18 +2781,33 @@
          if not find_ghosts and revision_id is not None:
              return self._walk_to_common_revisions([revision_id])
          elif revision_id is not None:
-            source_ids = self.source.get_ancestry(revision_id)
-            if source_ids[0] is not None:
-                raise AssertionError()
-            source_ids.pop(0)
+            # Find ghosts: search for revisions pointing from one 
repository to
+            # the other, and vice versa, anywhere in the history of 
+            graph = self.target.get_graph(other_repository=self.source)
+            searcher = 
+            found_ids = set()
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    next_revs, ghosts = searcher.next_with_ghosts()
+                except StopIteration:
+                    break
+                if revision_id in ghosts:
+                    raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self.source, 
+                found_ids.update(next_revs)
+                found_ids.update(ghosts)
+            found_ids = frozenset(found_ids)
+            # Double query here: should be able to avoid this by 
changing the
+            # graph api further.
+            result_set = found_ids - frozenset(
+                self.target.get_graph().get_parent_map(found_ids))

^- I don't think you want to get_graph() here. Why not just use the 
'graph' object that you just opened earlier? Or why not just use 
'self.target.get_parent_map()' directly. (I believe using 'graph' is the 
slighlty better option.)


This tests is at least mis-named:
+    def test_set_stacked_on_fetches(self):
+        # We have a mainline
+        trunk_tree = self.make_branch_and_tree('mainline')
+        trunk_revid = trunk_tree.commit('mainline')
+        # and make branch from it which is stacked
+        try:
+            new_dir = trunk_tree.bzrdir.sprout('newbranch', 
+        except (errors.UnstackableBranchFormat,
+            errors.UnstackableRepositoryFormat):
+            # not a testable combination.
+            return
+        new_tree = new_dir.open_workingtree()
+        new_tree.commit('something local')

I think you want a test that does 'set_stacked_on(None)' and ensure that 
any revisions have been fetched over. But 'set_stacked_on' is not called 
here. I think you probably want to keep this test, but under a different 

For details, see: 

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