[MERGE] Stacked branches UI part 1 - push

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Thu Jun 12 09:09:49 BST 2008

Martin Pool wrote:
> +        Option('reference',
> +            help='Create a stacked branch that refers to another branch '
> +                'for the commit history. Only the work not present in the '
> +                'referenced branch is included in the branch created.',
> +            type=unicode),
> +        Option('stacked',
> +            help='Create a stacked branch that references the public location '
> +                'of the parent branch. See --reference for more information.'),
>          ]
> As I understand it these are the same except in one case the url is
> explicitly given and in the other it is the public parent url.  Maybe the
> names should be made more similar to show this, e.g.
>   --reference-parent --reference=...
> or
>   --stacked --stack-url=...

I like the latter names.

> and to make it clear that they're not two different things.
> + def _show_push_branch(br_from, revision_id, location, to_file, verbose=False,
> This does more than just show it; I'd call it _push_branch.

Sounds fine to me. I took the naming from the similar helper used
for diff (where 'show' has more relevance).

Ian C.

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