[MERGE] contrib/bash/.bzrbashprompt.sh shows you branch nick/revno in your bash prompt

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at vernstok.nl
Wed Jun 11 23:06:27 BST 2008

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 04:25:39PM +0300, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> This patch was created by Vitaly Chernooky. He is not subscribed
> to bzr ML so he asked me to send this.

> This patch provides script for bash that allows you to see branch nick/revno
> in bash prompt. He found such modified prompt very useful to work with looms.

> Please CC your replies to him.

> bb:comment I don't test this patch for obvious reasons so don't count this mail as approve vote.

I'll merge this (with the fix mentioned by John) once I get a hold of my GPG key, unless somebody beats
me to it.




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