Identify automatic str/unicode coercions

Martin von Gagern Martin.vGagern at
Wed Jun 11 09:16:48 BST 2008

Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> An simpler option is set the default encoding to "undefined", and run the test
> suite.  "undefined" raises an error on any implicit conversion:
> Unfortunately, this currently breaks a lot of things, including the
> running of the test suite :)

Yes, I read that as well, but there are a number of downsides to 
aborting on each and every automatic conversion, even besides the fact 
that the test suite won't work:
1. You'd have to fix things in a given order
2. You couldn't skip issues where you are not yet sure about the correct 
3. You coudn't skip cases where you needn't worry as the string's a constant
4. The farther along you have proceeded, the more of the test suite 
you'll need to run before you see the next issue
5. You can't weight issues by occurrence

As the difficult part for me was not writing the custom encoding but 
rather setting the default encoding without interfering, I see 
little to gain and much to loose by using "undefined" for bazaar 

Still, thanks for the comment.

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