[MERGE] First cut at pluralised VersionedFiles. Some rather massive API incompatabilities, primarily because of the difficulty of coherence among competing stores.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Jun 11 05:24:02 BST 2008


Key highlights:
 - per file knit APIs: gone
 - revision_store, control_store, weave_store, text_store: gone
 - the original streaming api for repository and 'knits': gone (too big
   a mismatch to sanely preserve I think. Happy to work on making it
   exist if reviewers think its mandatory)
 - mode setting on .knit/.kndx files: gone (tests didn't pick it up,
   and I really want this getting looked at)
 - new .revisions, .signatures, .inventories, .texts attributes on
   repositories exposing the underlying byte storage (with a user-beware

Uhm. Yeah.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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