KnitPack not compatible with Knit?

Stefan Monnier monnier at
Tue Jun 10 23:19:43 BST 2008

   bzr clone rebase

fails with

   bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///home/monnier/src/bzr/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository KnitRepository('')

So I cloned it into its own repository, and then tried to upgrade it:

   % bzr upgrade rebase 
   starting upgrade of file:///home/monnier/tmp/rebase/
   making backup of tree history
   file:///home/monnier/tmp/rebase/.bzr has been backed up to file:///home/monnier/tmp/rebase/backup.bzr
   if conversion fails, you can move this directory back to .bzr
   if it succeeds, you can remove this directory if you wish
   starting repository conversion
   bzr: ERROR: Cannot convert to format <RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>.  Does not support rich root data.

Is that expected?


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