[RFC] Roadmap/must have features for bzr-eclipse 0.1

Talden talden at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 12:14:53 BST 2008

>> > I'm planning to make the 0.1 release of bzr-eclipse, I think this is a
>> > important milestone and want to ask the community about what
>> > missing/incomplete features are a must have.
>> Cool. While I don't use bzr-eclipse, I thought I'd chime in to say this
>> sounds really good.
> I don't generally use Eclipse myself, but the Java world seems to be
> unable to develop software without using an IDE.  Usually one of
> Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA -- these being the three market
> leaders.  There is an important issue here:  IDE users often don't know
> how to use the command line!  Actually this is increasingly true, hence
> the rise of Tortoise(Svn|Bzr|Hg), RapidSvn, Olive-GTK, etc.

Depressingly true. Not about using IDEs, there are productivity
benefits there.  However there are far too many java developers
without a fundamental understanding of how the platform works because
they never learn to use lower-level tools - they are 'programmers by
wrote'.  Some of these shell-shy developers are in my team too...

Of course, some selection behaviours are simply quicker to express in
a GUI (probably not my personally most common cases though), so a good
GUI, especially well integrated into IDE is a big selling point.

> I would suggest that bzr-eclipse, bzr-netbeans, and bzr-intellijidea are
> going to be critical to the take up of Bazaar. (Along with TortoiseBzr
> and Olive-GTK.)

> Sun have already integrated Mercurial into NetBeans.  So without some
> form of Bazaar plugin, there will be a loss of take up of Bazaar in the
> NetBeans user community.

This is critical.  We're adopting Subversion at work because, right
now, I have zero chance of getting Bazaar adopted, even though we
aren't getting anything much out of Subversion that wouldn't be
surpassed by using Bazaar.  Developers use Intellij and Eclipse
integration for CVS and Subversion regularly - that same capability
must eventually be matched by Bazaar if it's to be adopted here,
sooner rather than later if Bazaar wants to avoid losing more ground
to Mercurial.


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