BZR error getting gnucash

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Tue Jun 10 10:21:27 BST 2008

Hi Jack,

Jack David Baucum wrote:
> Running Hardy, and got this.  It asked me to send this information on to this
> e-mail address.
> david at heorot:~/gnucash$ bzr get
> ubuntu
> bzr: ERROR: exceptions.KeyError: 77
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>     e[0], _pycurl_errors.errorcode[e[0]], e, url)
> KeyError: 77
> bzr 0.90.0 on python (linux2)

I believe this error is fixed in more recent bzr versions, including the one in

You say you're running Hardy, but Hardy has bzr 1.3.1, so something seems a bit
odd there.


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