[MERGE][#238227] Fix the tree.branch returned by make_branch_and_tree

Andrew Bennetts andrew at canonical.com
Tue Jun 10 06:16:12 BST 2008

Currently TestCaseWithTransport.make_branch_and_tree returns the wrong thing in
the branch_implementations tests for RemoteBranch.  It should return a tree with
a tree.branch that is a RemoteBranch, but instead it returns a BzrBranch6.  This
patch fixes that.  Unfortunately, this causes a handful of tests to fail,
because this flaw in the test coverage has allowed bugs to creep in, such as

So it's not mergeable yet, but here's the fix I discussed with Robert on the
phone, which seems like the right fix to me (twiddle tree._branch directly, and
make sure it has the right effect on tree.branch just in case someone changes
how tree._branch affects tree.branch).  Also, to get things started, I've fixed
one of the failing tests (test_branch.TestBranch.test_fetch_revisions).  There
are 4 others in branch_implementations, and possibly more in the full test


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