[RFC] Roadmap/must have features for bzr-eclipse 0.1

Guillermo Gonzalez guillo.gonzo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 00:58:15 BST 2008

Hi all!

I'm planning to make the 0.1 release of bzr-eclipse, I think this is a
important milestone and want to ask the community about what
missing/incomplete features are a must have.

Here are my personal favorites of what should be in place to release
0.1, this is only a small part of the pending features, but I think
with this in place the basic workflow is covered:

 * merge (with bundle/merge directive support) and conflicts resolution
 * usability improvements to the commit dialog
   - resize, column layout, --author support
   - support for multiple project commit (all projects should belong
to the same branch)
 * Fix the Annotate view (Bug #220927)
 * Revert dialog (when revert is called from the project root)
    - this 'll popup a dialog with all the files that can be reverted
 * Fix medium-critical bugs reported

This is no more bzr-eclipse specific, because the code is now
splitted, and can be used in any java project:
 * add a xmlrpc backend and the service part in xmloutput plugin
(already in progress) to the bzr-java-client, the target for this
milestone is to provide simple CLI command oriented interface,
basically only one method "run_bzr" that accept current bzr commands.

If anyone thinks that there is any critical or missing feature for
0.1, I'ld really apprecite a follow up of this mail or fill a bug
about it.



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