non-recursive status of a directory?

Talden talden at
Sat Jun 7 06:46:14 BST 2008

>> > but regardless, I'm a little confused by your position.  Is it:
>> >
>> > * tbzr doesn't need, or even *want* non-recursive status, and while
>> > you think it does you don't understand the problem.
>> >
>> > or
>> >
>> > * bzr doesn't provide non-recursive status, and its such an obscure
>> > requirement it is unlikely to do so in the short term.  Please make
>> > alternative arrangements.
>> >
>> > or something else?
>> Its: 'directories are a poor proxy for dividing work up within the
>> system'.
> That is the same as the first option: while your statement is correct in
> the general case, this isn't the general case.  I maintain that for tbzr,
> it *is* a more appropriate option.  If you think it is productive to
> continue thrashing out the tbzr design until that becomes evident to you
> (or conversely, it becomes evident to me how we can be as efficient
> without it) then I will reluctantly do so.  On the other hand, if it can
> be accepted that tbzr would benefit from non-recursive status updates,
> the question simply becomes whether tbzr can have that facility, and if
> so, how.

I agree that this special-case is a justification for the feature.
Our project of 22,000 files in nearly 3,600 folder definitely benefits
from tsvn's approach - waiting for a full status would be
excruciating.  At no time is a significant proportion of the folders
or the files in an explorer view - being able to short-circuit the
scan, though more work overall to establish status of everything, is
beneficial when only needing the status of the small sampling of the
source tree.

There is also no question that the complete status operation of bzr
performs well in comparison to svn, but given that our developers
often turn off the recursive folder status in tsvn to make explorer
more responsive I would hope the faster status in bzr would translate
to faster status in explorer as well.  Being just as good as tsvn
isn't itself a worthy goal if the opportunity to beat it is sitting
right there in front of us.


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