[MERGE] Stacked branches UI part 2 - branch

Jonathan Lange jml at mumak.net
Fri Jun 6 06:37:56 BST 2008

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Ian Clatworthy
<ian.clatworthy at canonical.com> wrote:
> Only a small number of tweaks by me on this one.
> Reviewed patch and my tweaks diff attached.
> FWIW, when branching a branch which is stacked and it has some
> 'local' commits, I can see it being nice down the track to
> see the counts of local commits branched instead of just
> saying "Created shallow branch on ...". Not needed for
> this to land though.

AIUI, branching a stacked branch gets you the full branch -- stacked &
stacked on. Branching with the --shallow option will make a new
stacked branch stacked on the original. Maybe there should be a UI
option for cloning the stacked branch.

On a different note, should the UI say "Created stack branch on"
rather than "shallow"? I haven't followed the terminology discussions
close enough to say for sure.


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