bzr, gnome, 1.6 and stacking

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Jun 5 23:26:15 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Colin D Bennett wrote:
| On Fri, 06 Jun 2008 07:52:47 +1000
| Robert Collins <robertc at> wrote:
|> So, I'd like to ask for 1.6's schedule to be stretched to allow
|> VersionedFiles (new name PLEASE) and then stacking to land, over the
|> next 2-3 weeks.
|> GNOME is sounding like they are choosing their next VCS (they are
|> currently on svn) at GUADEC from the 7th-12th
|> July.
|> One of the major features we are currently missing in comparison to
|> git/hg is the ability to only download some of history in order to do
|> a checkout - and that is what stacking opens up for us. It also makes
|> publishing ones own branch of a project several orders of magnitude
|> cheaper.
|> If we do 1.6 without stacking, 1.7 will arrive after GUADEC, and any
|> discussion of performance with regard to these features would be
|> (fairly) treatable as vapourware :(. On the other hand, if we do land
|> 1.6 a week or two before GUADEC, and the features are present, users
|> can evaluate them as part of their VCS discussions.
|> -Rob
| As a user of Bazaar, version 1.5 is working fine for me, I certainly
| wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer on 1.6 if it means a better chance
| that GNOME will choose Bazaar as their VCS.
| Are there any really important things new in 1.6 so far that need to be
| released?

I'm fine slipping a bit to get this stuff merged. We treated 'dirstate'
similarly. I'm probably more concerned about sneaking big changes in just before
a release, rather than right after the previous release. I think stacking is
worth it, though. I would just request that we have a decent amount of 'RC' time
after a big change like this.

As for "stuff in 1.6" there are 262 lines in NEWS describing stuff that has been
improved. A fair number of bug fixes and performance improvements. Nothing
strictly critical, but all beneficial stuff. (My personal favorite is the 'bzr
log --short -r -10..-1' improvements, but I may be one of the few that uses that
all the time.)

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