bzr, gnome, 1.6 and stacking

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Jun 5 22:52:47 BST 2008

So, I'd like to ask for 1.6's schedule to be stretched to allow
VersionedFiles (new name PLEASE) and then stacking to land, over the
next 2-3 weeks.

GNOME is sounding like they are choosing their next VCS (they are
currently on svn) at GUADEC from the 7th-12th

One of the major features we are currently missing in comparison to
git/hg is the ability to only download some of history in order to do a
checkout - and that is what stacking opens up for us. It also makes
publishing ones own branch of a project several orders of magnitude

If we do 1.6 without stacking, 1.7 will arrive after GUADEC, and any
discussion of performance with regard to these features would be
(fairly) treatable as vapourware :(. On the other hand, if we do land
1.6 a week or two before GUADEC, and the features are present, users can
evaluate them as part of their VCS discussions.


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