Fast way to see log changes between two branches?

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Thu Jun 5 18:38:47 BST 2008

Hi everybody.

I've been using bzr with feature branches to do development: I keep a  
branch of the trunk that's maintained against a centralized  
repository, from which I make branches for the different features.

When preparing to merge in completed features, I've found myself  
wanting to see the log entries for the changes since the feature  
branch was branched -- a summary of what's gone on.  But I can't find  
a nice way to do it.  The closest I can find is:

	$ bzr log -r ancestor:../trunk..-1

but this shows the log entry for the common ancestor entry.  I want  
everything *since* that common ancestor.

Is there a way? The only workaround I've found (beyond skipping the  
common log message!) is a shell script like:

$ trunkRevNo=`cd $trunk; bzr revno`
$ bzr log -r $(($trunkRevNo + 1))..-1

but that assumes that the tip of the trunk is unchanged.  It might  
work if 'bzr revno' could take and resolve a given revisionspec for a  
particular branch.


  Brian de Alwis | Software Practices Lab | UBC |
       "Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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