Two things that bzr makes hard :-(

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Wed Jun 4 15:03:09 BST 2008

Robert Collins <robertc at> writes:

>>  2) "Roll back to revision X"
>> 	Sometimes I want to roll my branch and its checkout back to a
>> 	particular revision.  The resulting branch and tree should be
>> 	the same as if I'd checked it out with -r.
>> 	$ bzr revert -r 
>> 	Rolls the working tree back, but leaves the commits so the
>> 	rollback appears as a great big diff.
>> 	$ bzr uncommit -r
>> 	Rolls the commits back, but leaves the working tree changes as a
>> 	great big diff
>> 	I want both in one!
> $ bzr update -r 
> is the conceptual command.
> bug lists this.

I don't think this is what the OP expects.

update -r changes the working tree, but keeps history intact (so that
you can later update back to the tip). revert+uncommit is what "git
reset --hard" does in git, it discards history and the working tree.

Note that you shouldn't do that on a published branch. Or anybody
having branched/merged the commits you throw away will be in trouble
when trying to merge with you later.


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