Bazaar Repository Structure, Branches, Tags

Stefan Monnier monnier at
Wed Jun 4 06:25:54 BST 2008

> The first level is called "branches" and "tags" the second contains
> all of my cvs branch and tag names. 

This is a cvsps idiosyncrasy, not something that has to do with
Bzr directly.  `cvsps's "branches" are real Bzr branches.  you can move
them anywhere you want.  They can hold their own repository (so be 100%
autonomous), or they can refer to a repository higher up the
directory tree.

`cvsps's tags are Bzr branches as well.  But Bzr has tags as well, which
are just names given to particular past revisions.  `cvsps' should
ideally use Bzr's tags, but for some reason it simulates tags
with branches.


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