Bazaar repository size benchmarks

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Jun 3 03:53:50 BST 2008

On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 12:08 +0200, Pieter de Bie wrote:

> > * The SpaceEfficiency benchmarks I published don't just look at a single branch
> >  but several. It's very common for developers to have at *least* two - the
> >  current trunk and the current released code. If using feature branches, the
> >  number can climb a lot. The space taken up by the working trees themselves
> >  become important in that case and being able to save space across them - as
> >  Bazaar lets you do using the --hardlink option to bzr branch - can make some
> >  large savings. (Git tends to encourage one working tree and 'switch' instead
> >  of multiple but that doesn't always fit in with how every one likes to work.)
> Do you mean you use hard links for the working tree? Won't that edit
> two repositories if you use an editor / command that edits files (as
> opposed to delete/create?)

No, Ian means having multiple trees using the same repository for
history storage.

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