bzr graft or equivalent?

Guillermo Gonzalez guillo.gonzo at
Sun Jun 1 23:05:10 BST 2008

Hi Fernando,

I don't know if this match your needs, but you can do a merge of both
branches, i.e:

 $ bzr merge -r 0..-1 ../ipython-current

Hope this help to solve your problem.



On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Fernando Perez < at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to the list and relatively new to bzr.  I lead the ipython project, and
> we recently switched from svn to bzr.  When testing the switch, our SVN server
> was having memory problems and launchpad could never complete a full download
> of the svn history to start working from. So one of the ipython devs just made
> an initial bzr import with zero svn history and uploaded that  to launchpad,
> so we could see if we liked the workflow.
> Now we're happy and we want to fully abandon the svn support, but we'd like to
> bring the old history in (years) and merge it with the recent work done in bzr
> (3 months). So bzr-graft sounds exactly made for this, but unfortunately it
> doesn't load in current bzr:
> I have tried a number of things, including a rebase, semi-automated creation of
> bundles revision by revision to try to apply them later, and more, without
> success.  I even tried bzr svn-push, since I still have the live SVN repo: I
> made a branch there and tried to push the new bzr history onto that branch,
> but bzr svn-push failed with 'branches have diverged' errors.
> To summarize, we have:
> SVN development: past .... -> Feb 2008.
> BZR development:              Feb 2008 -> Today.
> The SVN trunk is now even available from launchpad, because the import
> eventually completed.  Both branches can be obtained via:
> bzr branch lp:~vcs-imports/ipython/main/ ipython-svn
> bzr branch lp:ipython ipython-current
> So all I want to do is to literally 'concatenate' these two into a single line
> of development, like bzr graft promises to do.  There are no conflicts between
> the two branches, because the moment we started using bzr we stopped touching
> SVN, so this *should* be doable.  But so far, no luck.
> If anyone has a simple suggestion of how to do this (that doesn't involve
> learning the whole bzr API to resurrect graft, unfortunately I don't have the
> time nor interest in doing that), I'd be very grateful.  If it's complicated,
> we'll just ditch the last three months of history and update the branch that
> has the full svn history with all the recent changes in one gigantic commit
> and move on.  But at least I'd like to give this one last chance.
> Thanks!
> f

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