How to organize bzr-gedit menu?
Javier Derderian
javierder at
Fri May 30 11:00:47 BST 2008
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 3:20 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Javier Derderian <javierder at>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm working in the 3rd Step of bzr-gedit roadmap[1] and I'm starting
> > to see the menu is growing and will grow even more, but I don't know
> > how to diagram the menu to let it grow without been too big for the
> > screen.
> > As you can see in GeditIntegration[2] page in bazaar's wiki there's a
> > screenshot of the menu from the last released version so far.
> > Since i'm starting to add less used functions like "bind", "unbind",
> > "whoami", etc; I'm thinking in adding a "extras" menu, but doesn't
> > sound very helpfull.
> > Maybe a "config" menu with some submenus (bzr-gtk config, whoami, etc).
> > But where should i put "init-repo"? In a submenu with "init"? I don't
> > want to take away from the main menu the basic functions like "init",
> > "push", "pull", "commit" since they are the most used ones...
> I think these do need to move away from the main menu. But rather
> than just having a subsidiary menu, let's think about where they
> really belong. A gui can be more than just a 1:1 mapping of shell
> commands onto menu items.
> Setting the username should be in a general configuration dialog.
> I wonder if init, init-repo, etc need to be in a wizard-like dialog
> for setting up a workspace -- you'll be asked if you want a repository
> directory, and then the name of a branch within it, and then whether
> that branch should be brand new, or branched from somewhere else, or a
> checkout from somewhere else.
> bind, unbind, etc perhaps belong in branch properties, and that could
> also show the parent, push and pull locations.
> Some of this is not gedit-specific and should be put in bzr-gtk and
> called from gedit.
> I think for ignore, status, conflicts, etc, it's better not to have
> them as single files but rather come up in a dialog viewing the
> working tree and marking each file appropriately.
> Hope that helps...
Great idea for the "new workspace dialog". I've implemented this and will be
released today with "0.47".
About the single files operations, next Step is to build the "branch
browser" pane, and all those functions will be there, that's why i didn't
make a special dialog yet, because there will be one!
About bzr-gtk, the new dialog I've created for new workspaces has been built
as "modulariced" as posible, so it should be really easy to include it in
bzr-gtk, I'll check that, hopefully this weekend.
Branch properties window is algo a great idea, i'll work on that now and
maybe it will be also available for 0.47 (today!!!)
I've grouped some functions like "status", "info", "diff", "annotate",
"history[bzr viz]" in a "branch info" menu, because those functions show
mostly info.
Thanks for your input!
Javier Derderian
javierder at
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