Advanced cherry picking

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Fri May 30 06:22:40 BST 2008

Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd+bzr at> writes:

> My somewhat frenzied hacking practices has resulted in a mainline
> branch and a hacked branch which contains some patches that I want
> back in the mainline and others that are not yet ready.

The 'shelve' extension (made available by installing 'bzrtools') is
the usual answer to this.

> Furthermore, these patches are very much interleaved.

I presume by this that you want to separate changes that are not
bounded by diff hunks?

 \      "I hope some animal never bores a hole in my head and lays its |
  `\   eggs in my brain, because later you might think you're having a |
_o__)          good idea but it's just eggs hatching."  -- Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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